Thursday, March 29, 2012

I've spent much of the day working.  For whatever reason my mind works much better when I have more than 1 thing going on at the same time.  Call it a generation issue, or call it a mental issue I'm not sure exactly which solution is more accurate.  I spent some time early this morning working on my book and I came up with a line that stood out to me.  This stood out to me to the point where I wanted to share it again. The context of the line is such:  Before moving to California I was given an interview that more than likely would have lead to work.  The pay was 500 a week, the work was editing.  Of course this happened 6 weeks before I was ready to move.  Shame on me for trying to pull a fast one.  The line is this " My life is like a can without a can opener."  It just seems at times when I have 1 thing and need another the other wont fall like the testicle that its acting like.  Contrary to what I had introduced this blog with, I tried something a bit different today.  When I sat down to do some writing for my book I turned everything off. I isolated myself completely from the world.  The only other attention grabber I had was the music I was listening too.  For those listening I had been listening to Albert King and then SlipKnot.  These blogs would be more appropriate if I had topics to write about.  Where's Linda Richmond when I need her?  Do I really need a Jersey Shore, before it was cool to be Jersey Shore Soccer Mom to give me topics?  How poorly was that last sentence constructed?  I've always been very cautious about blogs.  I suppose I can be the hypocritical blogger to bitch about blogging.  My only concern about it is the source.  We can't all be journalists, and unfortunately we aren't all talented enough to write compelling, thought provoking, pieces of work for other people to stand around and speak about.  Additionally I will NOT be a daily blogger.  Fuck, That, Noise.  I will not be blogging daily, I might spend a couple days constructing a blog and release a couple of blogs a week.  Like my sex life, I am all about quality over quantity.  My week has been rewarding and disappointing at the same time.  I found this amazing rendition of the Staind song Blow Away.  This was clearly an encore that Aaron did at the end of a staind show.

I had this thought about how good people seem to get kicked even when they're down.  It disappoints me to a greater extent.  I don't know what it is about me personally, but just recently I was telling someone how bad I feel for blind people, deaf people and babies.  This was just totally out of the blue to even tell this person.  We were walking around town and I just blurt out "I feel terrible for blind and deaf people...babies too"  I had a less than stellar day(not that anyone cares.)  See this is my biggest blog phobia, I have no topic to even write about.  Writing about how there's nothing to write about isn't a valid excuse either.  Its been done before.  Randomly throughout the day I'll find thoughts but I won't expound upon them.  I don't keep up well with the news.  The news is depressing, who in their right mind wants to be put down by reading about the shit that goes on in the world?  The easy answer is to blurt out a response about staying educated and informed.  Yeah yeah I get all that.  I just also have a hard time with seeing the similar stories out there.  I'm a bit short on time today, as I had a very unproductive day.  On  a bright note, I was told by a publisher as soon as my 1st draft is done, send it to them and go from there.  Hence why It's time for me to stop blogging and start writing.

Concluding thoughts:  I hate saying the word Blog, I feel like I need to wash my mouth out with soap, 2nd thought, I was at Starbucks for a lady friend of mine and refused to say the word Vente.  What a douche-y fucking word for a size of coffee.. Yeah I get it, its not english but fuck I will say 24oz coffee before I say fucking Vente...

Thanks to those who read this, as always As I get a bit more organized what I am going to start doing, is writing down topics in my notepad and possible expound upon them on paper then type it out.

Keep writing,

Take care.